
Dental Emergencies

Stop the Pain: What to Do for Dental Emergencies

An unbearable toothache is enough to keep you up all night. And a knocked-out tooth will need professional dental care right away in order to preserve the tooth. From minor injuries to serious emergencies, when dental problems arise, it’s important to understand how to care for your injuries until you can get to your dentist in North York. 

How to Stop Agonizing Tooth Pain

Oftentimes, a toothache is a warning sign of some other underlying dental problem, such as an infected tooth. When severe, a toothache can keep you from enjoying normal activities and even keep you up through the night. You will want to make an appointment with your dentist in North York right away to get to the bottom of the pain, especially if it lasts for more than a few days. A dentist can detect any problems and administer the appropriate treatment to ease the pain and prevent any additional damage. 

You can also help ease your tooth pain before you can get to your North York dentist by:

  • Applying a cold compress to the side of your cheek
  • Elevating your head to reduce the pressure on the affected tooth
  • Rinsing with a mixture of salt and water to remove and food particles or debris that may be irritating your toothache. 
  • Avoiding foods that intensify the pain, such as foods with extreme temperature or foods that are hard to chew

Preserving a Knocked-Out Tooth

If your tooth is knocked out, try to stay calm. You will need to act quickly in order to save the tooth and have it successfully re-implanted by your North York dentist. First, gently rinse the tooth with water, being very careful not to remove any of the attached tissue. Carefully try to place the tooth back into the socket, as this is one of the best ways to preserve the tooth before you can get to your dentist. If this isn’t possible, gently place the tooth into a small cup of milk and take it with you to the dentist immediately.

Generally, getting to the dentist within one hour of having it knocked out will be its best chance of recovery. If successful re-insertion of the tooth isn’t possible, don’t worry. Advances in modern dentistry have made it possible for dentists to offer advanced restoration procedures, such as dental implants. 

Preventing Injuries to the Teeth and Mouth

It’s not surprising that the majority of dental injuries occur during sports-related activities. All it takes is an elbow to the face during a soccer game to knock out a tooth or cut your lip. What is surprising is that many athletes fail to wear the appropriate mouth protectors during these vigorous events.  A mouthguard is the best way to protect the mouth and teeth. This simple appliance can go a long way to prevent serious dental problems- an investment that’s well worth it. 

You can also avoid unnecessary dental emergencies and pain by practicing good oral hygiene and visiting your dentist in North York for regular checkups. This is one of the easiest and best ways to ensure your teeth and gums are healthy, and your North York dentist can detect problems in their earliest stages to make recommendations for treatments and prevention. 

Just as a broken bone or a sore throat requires medical attention from a doctor, an injury to the teeth or mouth needs to be examined and treated by your dentist as well. Don’t put off dental injuries until it’s too late. 

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